Levels of Energy

By: Frederick Dodson

This book might not be for everyone.

Yet, if you’ve been reading about mindfulness, spirituality, and being open, this might be a great book for you.

Dodson does a great job of helping us understand where we are, energetically, and what are the steps to keep flowing towards higher levels of energy.

The road will be different for everyone, and no one can tell you where to go, it’s now a how-to book. Yet, it will give you the map so that you have a better idea of where you are in your journey, and where you should go if you want to reach higher levels of energy.

Flow: 5/5
Actionability: 4/5
Mindset: 5/5

Some of My Highlights:

“Infinity is. Period. Anything after the ‘is’ is not infinity but an aspect of it.”

“The prime aspect of the Most High is radiant Love. This Love is an energy so profound and intense that it has the power to create all of these worlds and souls.”

“Darkness is merely a lower gradient of light on a scale, but it is still light, even if to your eyes it sometimes appears as if there is none.”

“In this sense, the ocean is more real than its single waves.”

“It teaches me that in order to expand I must be more like it. That would mean to stop focusing on that tiny dot within the circle and become aware of more.”

“Paradoxically, resistance draws towards us the things we do not desire.”

“Relief from suffering comes from relaxing desire on one end and resistance on the other end; relaxing both attachment and aversion (which are actually two sides of the same coin).”

“Depending on your place on the scale and your intentions, something will give you a ‘bad vide’ or a ‘good vibe’.”

“You experience the world not as it is, but as you are.”

“To stereotype people comes from being aware of these energy-field relations but being judgmental and patronizing about the whole matter.”

“There is a fine difference between discernment and judgmentalism.”

“If you operate from a ‘I don’t need coffee to feel better’ the coffee you do drink will taste better.”

“There is a lot of power in releasing neediness.”

“But what about the ‘no pain, no gain’ dogma we are all brought up to believe? Well, it does not apply to the mental and emotional realm, it only applies to the physical world.”

“Those who have not mastered this think about working when they are trying to relax and think about relaxing when they are trying to work.”

“In fact, as a general note, presume less and perceive more.”

“A helpful exercise in this regard is to list everything you have done recently in order to gain approval or avoid disapproval from others.”

“It takes three days at a certain level before your surrounding reality begins to align with your state.”

“Expressing your thoughts and emotions is better than suppressing them, but neither is as good as releasing them.”

“When you notice you can’t beat the energy then follow your feelings, give into them.”

“If you remember only one thing from this book, let it be this: resisting something does not solve it, it feeds it.”

“The higher your basic level, the quicker you move out of temporary lows.”

“The more actual power you have, the less force is required.”

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