Learn from Leaders Who Built Great Personal Brands

Many iconic leaders have taken the time to document and share their experience and advice through books.

Shouldn’t we dedicate time to find out what they have to say if we want to achieve what they did?

At Latinpresarios, we are always looking for ways to grow and help others grow. We read to transform knowledge into stories that can be shared to create actionable insights for other leaders. 

For us, reading books is a foundational part of leadership.

Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” – Harry S. Truman, former President of the United States of America

You can take advantage of the work we are doing which will help you pick only the very best books. This will allow you to maximize your reading time. 

Our founder, Alejandro I. Sanoja, reads about 4-10 books every month and sends a newsletter with reviews, highlights, and recommendations on who would find each of those books valuable. 

This allows you to only start reading the books that will likely resonate with you. You can take a look at the typical information shared from each book by going through the categories below.

We have 100+ books reviews already (and the list grows each year).

Click the button below if you’d like to receive that newsletter.