If I would’ve read this book when I was younger, I would’ve probably said that it was a bit out there with “wu wu” theories.
Now, I “get it”.
After reading so much about behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and other related topics, I “get it”. Still, some of the ideas are still a bit “out there” for me. But I have approached it with an open mind, knowing that maybe in 5-10 years I will “get those” as well.
This book has radically changed my life and my mindset. I thought I already had a mindset of abundance but the book make me realize that I still had some beliefs that were keeping me in a state of scarcity in some areas of my life.
Also, it has helped me better understand the value and meaning of emotions (something that I still struggle with).
This book will be of IMMENSE value for “perfectionists”, people who are constantly stressed, and in general have a high level of OCD applied to everything they do in life.
Flow: 5/5, it can easily be read in a couple of weeks or less.
Actionability: 5/5, the book has several examples and explanations of exercises one can do to learn how to “let go”.
Mindset: 5/5, it will radically change your mind about many areas of your life.
Some Of My Highlights:
“As he explains in the book, it takes courage and self-honesty to see negativity and smallness in ourselves.”
“It’s not by finding the answers, but by undoing the basis of the problem.”
“The accumulated pressure makes us miserable and is the basis of many of our illnesses and problems.”
“Thoughts are filed in the memory bank according to the various shades of feelings associated with those thoughts. Therefore, when we relinquish or let go of a feeling, we are freeing ourselves from all of the associated thoughts.”
“We have three major ways of handling feelings: suppression, expression, and escape.”
“When we repress a feeling, it is because there is so much guilt and fear over the feeling that it is not even consciously felt at all.”
“We maintain our self-esteem at the expense of others and, eventually, this results in social breakdown.”
“If we dump our negative feelings on others, they experience it as an attack and they, in turn, are forced to suppress, express, or escape the feelings; therefore the expression of negativity results in the deterioration and destruction of relationships. A far better alternative is to take responsibility for our own feelings and neutralize them. Then, only positive feelings remain to be expressed.”
“People are terrified of facing themselves. They dread even a moment of aloneness.”
“Stress results from the accumulated pressure of our repressed and suppressed feelings.”
“The more surrenders we are, the less prone we are to stress. The damage caused by stress is merely the result of our own emotions.”
“True love is free of fear and characterized by non-attachment.”
“This means that we routinely and unwittingly affect others by our emotional state and thoughts.”
“Above the level of Courage, people seek us out because we give energy to them (“power”) and we have goodwill towards them.”
“Love focuses on the essence of a situation, not the details.”
“The fastest way to move from the bottom to the top is by telling the truth to ourselves and to others.”
“The understanding of the underlying emotion and its correct handling is, therefore, more rewarding and less time-consuming than dealing with one thoughts.”
“Every life experience, no matter how ‘tragic’, contains a hidden lesson.”
“One benefit from a life crisis is greater self-awareness.”
“The world can only see us as we see ourselves.”
“Greatness is the courage to overcome obstacles. It is the willingness to move to a higher level of love.”
“The end result of the conscious handling of emotions is invulnerability and imperturbability.”
“The way our of this, then, is to start questioning everything.”
“Because others, such as Frankl, have chosen not to blame, that option is also open to us.”