The Wim Hof Method: Activate Your Full Human Potential

By: Wim Hof

This is a MUST read for anyone who wants to activate their full human potential.

Wim has the stories, the science, the testimonials, and anything needed to help us understand how powerful we are and how much more we can do with our bodies and existence.

Best of all, he shares some specific and actionable insights that we can start applying while or right after reading the book.

Started reading the book after listening to the Jordan Peterson podcast episode with Wim.

Flow: 5/5
Actionability: 5/5
Mindset: 5/5

Some of My Highlights:

“Theoretically, a stressful exposure can have harmful effects at high doses, but a low doses it can actually create changes in our body that make us healthier and stronger – that’s what we call ‘hormetic stress.'” – Elissa Epel, Ph.D.

“The method has been tested in small pilot studies so far, showing improvement of the immune system response to endotoxin and in inflammatory arthritis of the spine, suggesting that it can reduce chronic inflammation and symptoms.” – Elissa Epel, Ph.D.

“In the absence of environmental stress, the things we have built to make our lives easier have actually made us weaker.”

“…natural pillars: cold exposure, conscious breathing, and the power of the mind.”

“Society on the whole is very much fixated on the achievement of tangible results and becoming something definable to others.”

“But clothes actually de-stimulate our vascular system, the intricate system that delivers blood throughout our bodies.”

“But wearing clothes, being dressed up all the time, is de-stimulating.”

“Our vascular system needs to be stimulated to achieve the desired muscular tone.”

“Cold showers are the gateway to flow and energy and peace.”

“I had successfully raised my skin temperature by 1 degree and maintained it while being exposed to repeated cycles of cold and warm water.”

“Brain scans from the Wayne State study demonstrated that I was able to activate parts of my brain at will that had been thought to be inaccessible to humans.”

“The monitors showed their blood oxygen levels going down dramatically, to saturation numbers like 50 percent, which is normally where people die.”

“Crohn’s disease, cancer, depression, arthritis, asthma, and bipolar disorder are all caused by deregulation of our immune, endocrine, and hormonal systems through uncontrolled inflammation.”

“The best time to do these exercises is before breakfast because when your stomach is full, all the metabolic activity and all the oxygen are directed to the stomach and block the way.”

“It’s a true natural high, and it is at this moment that anxiety and the pain of trauma fall away from your consciousness because you have freed yourself from it by consciously manipulating the biochemistry and electricity in your brain. That is conscious alchemy.”

“We are the alchemists, and we are built to be in command of our own soul, light, spirit, and life.”

“More than that, you will have become the light re-balancing of parasympathetic/sympathetic nervous system.”

“None of these people were experienced alpinists, and some of them suffered from debilitating illnesses and diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and metastasized cancer.”

“…one of the causes of inflammation is biochemical imbalance.”

“This book is about showing you how to tap into your long-dormant physiology and to return your body and mind to the state nature originally intended for them to be in.”

“That’s what the cold water does. It teaches you not only how to survive, but to thrive. It’s all within your control.”