Be Obsessed or Be Average

By: Grant Cardone

This is a great book for people who have been called obsessed or intense and at some point started thinking this was something negative.

Grant will help you embrace the power of having an obsessive mindset and how to use it for good.

It’s true that Grant Cardone is often labeled as obnoxious, and he is often associated with aggressive selling tactics. By reading this book you will understand the why and the value behind his personality.

A great read for people who know they are in the world to achieve world-class goals.

Flow: 5/5
Actionability: 4/5
Mindset: 4/5

Some of My Highlights:

“I learned the hard way that denying your obsession or being obsessed with the wrong things can be very destructive.”

“When you learn how to control and focus your obsessions, you will become a powerful and unstoppable person capable of making all your dreams a reality.”

“I’m not afflicted, I’m gifted.”

“What matters at first is realizing you have the capacity to be obsessed.”

“Why settle for one color when you can have the rainbow?”

“Prepare yourself: When you commit to this obsessed thing, you will be labeled an outlier, a freak, and a weirdo.”

“This same study shows that of all small businesses 92 percent make less than $250,000 a year and 67 percent break even or lose money.”

“…over 30 percent of college graduates do not work in the field they studied in college.”

“…the average American worked under thirty-five hours a week and almost 70 percent of Americans are disengaged at their jobs.”

“I told the soldiers, and I’ll tell you, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, your life is in transition.”

“What you pay attention to is what you get. And the more attention you give something, the more you feed it, the stronger and more powerful it grows.”

“Eat, sleep, and breathe your goals.”

“Write them down every morning and read them every night until they become a part of you.”

“The point is to immerse yourself in knowledge. Don’t just drink the Kool-Aid – swim in it.”

“We do this with lots of urgency and deadlines, becoming single-mindedly focused for short periods of time…”

“Doubt is the most dangerous and insidious form of mental terrorism on this planet.”

“Today I let myself absorb advice and help only from people who are doing better than me.”

“The ‘burnout’ had started because I was no longer obsessed with fulfilling my monster purpose and continuing to build on what I was doing.”

“The only thing that is going to ultimately renew you is getting obsessed with your purpose.”

“The world is filled with people who have given up on their dreams and now spend their lives trying to get others to give up on theirs.”

“The obsessed are monster dreamers who are confused by the fact that so many people think so small.”

“Pay someone else to do tasks that aren’t a part of your obsession.”

“According to a 2008 Pew research report, 88 percent of all people live within a couple miles of where they grew up.”

“Surveys suggest that moving is one of the most stressful things a person can do.”

“You can be nice to everyone, respectful, and have good manners, but success if not a popularity contest.”

“Andrew Carnegie, who said, ‘The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket.'”

“In fact, never asking for the order is one of the top reasons sales organizations fail.”

“I collect stats to everything important to me in the sales cycle, from proposals to pricing and terms to the contract to the data entered into the customer relationship management (CRM) software.”

“Become obsessed with being the best. Then when you overpromise, it’s not bragging – it’s the truth.”