Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

By: Joe Dispenza

This is a great book for someone who wants to go deeper into their mindfulness path but is having a tough time believing in some of the more metaphysical aspects of it.

There’s a lot of science behind what is shared in this book.

Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity, it’s all in there.

You will be given the tools to take your wife wherever you want. And then, you’ll have to do the work.

This a great book to being your journey into the mystical.

Flow: 4/5
Actionability: 5/5
Mindset: 5/5

Some of My Highlights:

“…when we experience for ourselves, or witness in another person, something that we’ve once believe to be impossible, we are freed in our beliefs to transcend those limitations in our own lives.”

“As a result, they program their brain and body to be in the predictable future or a familiar past, never living in the present moment.”

“You can’t enter this immaterial place with your problems, your name, your schedules and routines, your pain, or your emotions. You can’t enter as some body – you must enter as no body.”

“The brain thinks, but the heart knows.”

But when the stress doesn’t end within hours, the body never returns to balance. In truth, no organism in nature can endure living in emergency mode for extended periods of time.”

“Anna was producing the same chemistry in her brain and body as if the event was happening again and again.”

“As a psychotherapist, she could rationally and intellectually understand what was happening to her, but all her insights couldn’t get beyond her suffering.”

“She also knew through her understanding of epigenetics that the elevated emotions of love, joy, gratitude, inspiration, compassion, and freedom could signal new genes to make healthy proteins affecting her body’s structure and function.”

“When you pay attention to knowledge or information and it makes sense to you, this interaction with the environment leaves biological impressions in your brain.”

“Think of emotions as the chemical residue from past experiences – or chemical feedback.”

“Over time, you’ve created a set of hardwired neurological networks in the brain and you have emotionally conditioned your body to live in the past – and that past becomes your future.”

“The same chemistry automatically stays switched on because the external threat never seems to go away.”

“High-range beta is the state you’re in when you’re jacked up on the hormones of stress.”

“You display alpha brain waves when you are relaxed, calm, creative, and even intuitive – when you’re no longer thinking or analyzing and instead you’re daydreaming or imagining, like a trance state.”

“Theta-frequency brain waves take over in that twilight stage when your mind is still awake but your body is drifting off to sleep. This frequency is also associated with deep states of meditation.”

“Gamma-frequency brain waves indicate what I call a superconscious state.”

“Each time you overcome those automatic habits, your will becomes greater than your program.”

“One way to increase your chances of a successful meditation is to give yourself enough time so you don’t get distracted by trying to rush through the experience.”

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