
By: Heraclitus

This is a great book for anyone interested in philosophy and wisdom.

Great for daily reading, meditations, or mantras. You could also use it for journaling.

Many pearls of wisdom in this book.

Flow: 5/5
Actionability: 3/5
Mindset: 5/5

Some of My Highlights:

“Applicants for wisdom do what I have done: inquire within.”

“But the wisdom of Heraclitus held true twenty-five hundred years after his death.”

“For hundreds of years, great writers, Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, and others, quoted him with respect.”

“Pythagoras had only lately coined the word ‘philosopher,’ meaning lover of wisdom.”

“Without obscurity or needless explanation the true prophet signifies.”

“For wisdom, listen; not to me but the Word, and know that all is one.”

“Many fail to grasp what they have seen, and cannot judge what they have learned, although they tell themselves they know.”

“Of all the words yet spoken, none comes quite fas as wisdom, which is the action of the mind beyond all things that may be said.”

“Wisdom is the oneness of mind that guides and permeates all things.”

“Thus in the abysmal dark the soul is known by scent.”

“Without injustices, the name of justice would mean what?”

“While cosmic wisdom understands all things are good and just, intelligence may find injustice here, and justice somewhere else.”

“Only the living ay be dead, the waking sleep, the young be old.”

“The waking have one world in common. Sleepers meanwhile turn aside, each into a darkness of his own.”

“The habit of knowledge is not human but divine.”

“The language of a grown man, to the cosmic powers, sounds like babytalk to men.”

“To be evenminded is the greatest virtue. Wisdom is to speak the truth and act in keeping with its nature.”

“Give me one man from among ten thousand, if he be the best.”

“Dogs, by this same logic, bark at what they cannot understand.”