The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk

By: Al Ries, Jack Trout

Do you want to be up-to-date with any new trends or topics? Read the oldest books you can find on these same topics.

In any area of knowledge/topic, the fundamentals and principles will stay the same. I still can’t believe it took me so long to find about this book (saw it at a post that Tim Ferriss did recently).

The book is simple, to the point, easy to read, and shares valuable stories to illustrate the laws that are being shared.

If you are or want to be a marketer, and a business professional, you must read this book.

Some of my highlights:

“The purpose of candor isn’t to apologize. The purpose of candor is to set up a benefit that will convince your prospect.” “Honesty is the best policy.”

“In other words, don’t try to be better, try to be different.”

“You ‘burn’ your way into the mind by narrowing the focus to a single word or concept.”

“Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products.”