The Way of Mastery ~ Part One: The Way of the Heart

By: Shanti Christo Foundation

This is an excellent book for those who want to go deeper into their spiritual journey.

It has lots of practical exercises as well.

Flow: 5/5
Actionability: 5/5
Mindset: 5/5

Some of My Highlights:

“…so that the choice of Love becomes your every thought, your every breath, your every action extended to the world as the awakened Christ.”

“I come not to teach you, but to love you until you choose from the depth within your own being to set aside every illusion you have ever given credence to, and to remember the Truth which alone is true.”

“Your experience is always the effect of where you choose to focus the attention of your consciousness, itself being unlimited forever, embracing all the many dimensions of creation.”

“It is seriousness within the mind that is the creation of ego.”

“You have been both saint and sinner. And your happiness and your unhappiness have been merely an effect of where you chose to place your attention.”

“Nothing you have experienced is caused by anything outside of you. You experience only the effects of your own choice.”

“Rest assured whenever you feel frustration and anxiety, it is because you have decided not to trust the Truth.”

“What if the very things you are resisting are the very stepping stones to your homecoming?”

“Therefore, indeed, beloved friends, dance, rejoice and play often.”

“There is, in truth, a host of friends that come to create a vortex, a circumference of energy.”

“Remember please, that the mind is not where the body is. It does not abide within the body, but the body does abide within the field of your mind.”

“The goal that we seek has never changed. It is in truth, a journey without distance.”

“The eye of the needle that one must pass through is the re-cultivation of the innocence of a child.”

“Become as a little child to enter the Kingdom.”

“You literally need do nothing. It is quite different than wanting or choosing to do something.”

“There can be no freedom where there is need.”

“To begin to reawaken the childlike joy of building a castle in the sandbox. For in truth, that is all you are doing here.”

“The opposite of forgiveness is judgment, and judgment always creates separation and guilt.”

“…all the things within the human realm are either the extension of love or a cry for help and healing.”