21 Personal Branding Statement Examples (+Templates)

Alejandro Sanoja

Alejandro Sanoja has been named 1 of the 6 personal branding experts to follow in 2022. He is a TEDx and bilingual speaker, an award-winning MBA, and a guest lecturer at the C.T. Bauer College of Business.

Crafting a great personal branding statement can be the step that helps you take your career to the next level.

In this guide, I will share with you several personal branding statement examples and templates so that you can write your own and start getting the recognition you deserve.

A study by McKinsey & Company found that strong brands outperform less recognized competitors by as much as 73%.

The same happens with people.

A strong personal branding statement is the foundation of differentiating yourself from the competition.

Using a well-crafted personal branding statement across your digital assets (website and social media profiles) can help you show up when people are looking for an expert in your field.

Here are some of the topics that I’ll cover:

  • 21 famous personal branding statement examples from successful professionals
  • How to write a personal branding statement that captures attention
  • 7 personal branding statement templates
  • 5 personal branding statement examples for financial advisors
  • 5 personal branding statement examples for CPAs
  • 5 personal brand statement examples for business coaches
  • 5 personal brand statement examples for entrepreneurs
  • Our personal branding statement generator


Bonus: Schedule a call with a personal branding consultant if you’d like professional feedback on your personal branding statement.


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21 famous personal branding statement examples


An excellent way to learn what type of personal brand statements work best is by looking at the ones successful professionals use.

Here is a list of some professionals and the examples of personal branding statements they use:

As you can see, not all these examples of personal branding statements follow the same patterns. All of these have different structures and lengths.

Another essential aspect is that your personal branding statement might evolve through the years. The way these professionals brand themselves now might not be the same as they did when they got started.

After reading this guide, you’ll have all the required elements to start writing a personal branding statement that will help position you as a thought leader in your niche.


What is a personal branding statement?


A personal branding statement is a memorable phrase that communicates how you can create value for others. It should include components of your unique value proposition. 

Ideally, you can use it as a response when people ask you, “What do you do?”

This is a question that most people dread. Yet, it is an excellent opportunity to be memorable.

Most people miss this opportunity in two ways. Either they are too specific or too generic. 

Let’s explore an example. If you are in the finance industry, you could say:

  1. I’m a financial advisor, or
  2. I’m a certified financial planner and chartered financial analyst

Your bio has a place for these lines, but you might not want to use any of these as your personal branding statement.

If, on the other hand, you say something like: “I create wealth preservation and growth strategies to secure your financial legacy,” you’ll likely be memorable to wealthy individuals

Most likely, sharing that personal brand statement with a wealthy individual will lead to more questions. And in some cases, it will lead to clients.

On the other hand, if you tell a wealthy individual, “I’m a financial advisor,” they’ll likely think that they don’t need one because they are already wealthy and don’t need your help.

Do you now see why having a memorable personal brand statement is valuable?

To be able to write one, you need to be clear about who you help and how you help them. 

In the rest of this guide, we will go deeper into these elements so you can write your own personal branding statement. 




What is a strong personal branding statement?


When the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission invited me to talk about the challenges that minorities and immigrants face when starting a business, I spent most of my time thinking about the big idea that I wanted to share with the audience.

I arrived at “It’s not about who you know. It’s about who knows you!

Yes. Building a network is important.

But it’s even more important to make sure you leave a memorable positive impression whenever you meet anyone and expand your network.

What’s the point of having a big network if they don’t reach out to you when good opportunities arise?

That’s why you need a strong personal branding statement, and all of them have certain elements in common.

As you’ve seen in our personal branding statement examples section, there are different ways in which you can structure a personal branding statement. But most of the key elements will stay the same. 

Some of these are:

  • Who you help (ideal customer profile)
  • How you help them (products or services)
  • What you help them achieve (goals)
  • The challenges you help them overcome (pain)
  • The typical title people use to describe what you do (professional niche)

Not every personal branding statement will have all of these elements. Here is an example that can help illustrate that.

Let’s keep using the financial advisor example. You could say that because you want to help as many people as possible, your personal branding statement should be “I help people achieve financial freedom.” And it makes sense that you want to help as many people as possible. But the best way to reach more people is to be as specific as you can. 

“Being financially free” means different things to different people. To some, it might be not worrying about paying the bills and being able to take a yearly vacation without using a credit card. To others, it might be to be able to own several houses in different cities across the world. This is why you must be as specific as possible with your personal branding statement. 

“I help people be financially free” will not connect with people who have any of the two definitions of “being financially free” that we described.

You would have to say something like, “I help people create a vacation fund to enjoy vacations debt-free” or “I help people build a financial structure to afford multiple houses across the world” to connect with either of them. These last two are better options, but still not memorable. 

That’s why you must go deeper into each element of your personal branding statement.

At this point, you’ll likely face the fear of missing out. You’ll think that as a personal trainer, you can help people lose weight, build muscle, build endurance, compete in sports, and be healthy and fit in any way possible. But you must fight that fear if you want to be able to become a go-to thought leader in any niche.

Because you can always go deeper into any of the components. Here’s how:

Who you help: People > Wealthy individuals > Wealthy business owners > Wealthy business owners who want to leave a legacy

How you help: Financial advising > Create wealth-building habits > Create a financial structure that will stand the test of time

What you help them achieve: Be wealthy > Leave a legacy > Create a positive financial impact even when you are gone

As you can see, there is always room for improvement. Some of these examples are too specific and would be too long when put together as a personal branding statement. But the goal was to show how you can always go deeper. 

And it’s the same case in any profession, industry, and niche. You can always be more specific.

Here is a Personal Branding Statement Generator that can help you start writing your own.


How do you write a personal branding statement?


Writing a good personal brand statement requires being clear about who you help, the problem you help them solve (or the goal you help them achieve), and how you help them do so.

You could add a phrase about your experience and authority in your niche as an extra component. But you can’t go wrong with the first three elements we mentioned.

And researching your niche and your ideal client will help you go from a good personal brand statement to a great one.

Should you say, “Build wealth” or “Create a legacy”? Should you say you are a “Financial Advisor” or a “Wealth Advisor”?

Well, doing research can help you answer these types of questions 

We typically conduct market research to see if anyone else is doing something similar regarding the elements you use in your personal brand statement. Also, we conduct keyword research to see which phrase or description would be more valuable. 

If more people search for “Create a legacy,” then it would be better to use that phrase in your personal branding statement instead of “Build wealth.” Because that personal branding statement will help you rank higher as you use it on:

  • Your website
  • Your LinkedIn headline
  • All your other social media bios
  • And anywhere else it would be valuable to do so


How long should personal branding statements be?


Personal branding statements should be as short as possible while still being able to communicate your value proposition and capture attention.

It’s important to understand that you can constantly adjust your personal branding statement until you find the one that works best for you. Also, you could have different personal branding statements for different situations. 

A short one for your profile. A mid-length one for when people ask you, “What do you do?” And a long one for when you get invited to a podcast and have more time to expand on your expertise.

To understand if you are using the correct length, test it and analyze the results.

You can do it virtually by seeing if some have a better click-through rate or conversion rate. And you can do it in person by paying attention to the reaction you get after using it as an answer when people ask you, “What do you do?”

Once your personal branding statement is a touchpoint that guides people to ask more about you and your expertise, you’ll know you have a good one.


Top 7 best personal branding statement templates


Staring at a blinking cursor on a blank page can be intimidating. It can lead to procrastination. That is why we’ve put together these templates to help you get started.

We use these templates as starting points when working with our clients to help them build their personal brands.


“I Help” personal branding statement templates


This type of statement has been popular in the last few years because of its simplicity.

It communicates:

  • Who you help
  • The goal you help them achieve
  • And how you help them achieve their goal

Template: I help <ideal client profile> to <goals you help them achieve> by <product or service you provide>

A variation of this template could be one where you focus on pain points, and problems you help them solve, rather than goals.

Template: I help <ideal client profile> to avoid <problem or pain point> by <product or service you provide>.

A great example of how to use this template is Neil Patel. His statement is “Helping You Succeed Through Online Marketing!”


“I assist” personal brand statements


Nowadays, most people leverage the “I help” template. This is why, if you want to stand out, you can deviate a bit from it by using a different word instead of “help.”

You could use “I assist.” The rest would stay the same, you can focus on goals or pain points. The templates would be the following.

Template: I assist <ideal client profile> to <goals you help them achieve> by <product or service you provide

Template: I assist <ideal client profile> to avoid <problem or pain point> by <product or service you provide>


Niche positioning personal branding statements


If the way your ideal clients describe what you do is a keyword where there is an opportunity to rank, you might want to use that in your personal branding statement.

That way, all your profiles would help you show up when people are looking for a professional like you.

Just make sure that is niched down enough that you have a chance to show up for the keyword.

The most significant change in this template is the beginning of it. The rest is similar to the ones we’ve already covered.

Template: I am a <professional niche> that teams up with <ideal client profile> to <goals you help them achieve> by <product or service you provide>.

Like the others, you could have a version focusing on pain points.

Template: I am a <professional niche> that teams up with <ideal client profile> to avoid <problem or pain point> by <product or service you provide>.

We usually want to be customer-oriented in our marketing and sales efforts. As you can see, this one starts with an “I am” statement which is the opposite of being customer-oriented.

I’d recommend this one only if there is a solid opportunity to rank for the term you use to describe your professional niche.

If you are an accountant, since that is a common term and likely challenging to rank for, you might want to avoid using this template.

On the other hand, if you are a fractional CFO, you might want to consider using it as you can build a moat around it if you can create enough valuable content related to your niche.

Because it is a relatively new term that has been rising in popularity,


Pain-focused personal branding statement templates


This one is a bit of a mix of everything else. The main difference is that it starts with a pain point or problem.

For humans, pain is usually the most potent agent of change.

By starting with the pain points, you can get people to feel understood.

This personal branding statement template acts as a micro-story. Because you start with where they are and end with the goal, positioning yourself as the guide to help them achieve that transformation.

Template: Stop <pain point>! Leverage <product or service you offer> and achieve <goal you help them achieve>. As a <your professional niche>, I can help you do so.


How to use these personal branding statement templates?


Remember that these personal branding statement templates are starting points.

Also, you do not need to stay within the constraints of these templates. You could change these as needed and try different words.

In general, a personal branding statement will have some or all of these components:

  • Who you help
  • How you help them
  • Why you help them
  • When you help them

So you could mix and match these in different ways. Make sure to constantly test and adjust your statement until it is leading you to the desired outcome you want to accomplish with it.


5 Personal branding statement examples for financial advisors


To keep your creative juices flowing, here are 5 examples of personal branding statements for financial advisors:

  • Holistic Wealth Strategist: “I am a dedicated financial advisor with a holistic approach to wealth management, ensuring that every aspect of your financial life works in harmony to achieve your long-term goals. With a focus on building resilient investment portfolios and comprehensive financial plans, I empower clients to navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence.”
  • Client-Centric Investment Advisor: “With a passion for helping individuals and families secure their financial future, I provide personalized investment advice and wealth management solutions tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. My client-centric approach and commitment to transparency build the foundation for lasting relationships and financial success.”
  • Innovative Retirement Planning Specialist: “Specializing in retirement planning, I leverage innovative strategies and a deep understanding of market trends to help clients build secure and prosperous futures. My proactive approach ensures that you are well-prepared for retirement, with a focus on maximizing income, minimizing taxes, and preserving wealth.”
  • Empathetic Financial Wellness Coach: “As a financial advisor with a heart for coaching, I am committed to enhancing your financial literacy and empowering you to take control of your financial journey. My empathetic and educational approach demystifies complex financial concepts, providing you with the clarity and confidence needed to make informed decisions.”
  • Strategic Financial Problem Solver: “With a knack for strategic thinking and problem-solving, I excel in navigating complex financial challenges and identifying opportunities for growth and stability. My clients benefit from a results-driven approach and tailored solutions that align with their unique financial objectives and risk tolerance.”

These are only starting points to get you inspired. You should make these as specific as possible to your unique situation.


5 Personal branding statement examples for CPAs


And here are 5 additional examples of personal branding statements for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs):

  • Strategic Financial Navigator: “With over a decade of experience in accounting and financial management, I specialize in helping small businesses and startups navigate the complexities of financial planning, tax compliance, and cash flow management. My proactive approach ensures that you are always ahead of the curve, maximizing your financial health and business success.”
  • Tax Optimization Expert: “As a seasoned CPA and tax strategist, I am committed to helping individuals and businesses minimize their tax liability and optimize their financial position. Leveraging deep industry knowledge and a meticulous attention to detail, I ensure that every dollar is accounted for and every tax-saving opportunity is seized.”
  • Forensic Accounting Specialist: “With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the truth, I excel in forensic accounting and fraud investigation. My analytical skills and investigative expertise provide clients with the clarity and resolution they need to protect their assets and maintain financial integrity.”
  • Innovative Accounting Solutions Provider: “Embracing the future of finance, I specialize in integrating cutting-edge accounting technologies and innovative solutions to streamline processes, enhance accuracy, and drive efficiency. My clients benefit from real-time financial insights and a strategic approach to accounting that propels their business forward.”
  • Trusted Financial Advisor: “Building long-lasting relationships based on trust and transparency, I serve as a trusted financial advisor to individuals, families, and businesses. My comprehensive approach to financial planning, wealth management, and estate planning ensures that every aspect of your financial life is aligned with your goals and values.”

Keep in mind that all of these are starting points and should be more specific to your audience and unique value proposition.


5 Personal brand statement examples for business coaches


Here are 5 personal brand statement examples for business coaches:

  • Transformational Business Strategist: “Empowering entrepreneurs and business leaders to transform their vision into reality, I leverage over 15 years of industry experience and innovative strategies to drive sustainable growth, enhance operational efficiency, and foster a culture of excellence. Let’s unlock your business’s full potential together.”
  • Results-Driven Leadership Coach: “Passionate about cultivating high-performance teams and resilient leaders, I bring a proven track record of driving organizational change and boosting employee engagement. My coaching approach is rooted in real-world experience and evidence-based practices, ensuring you achieve measurable results and sustainable success.”
  • Innovative Growth Expert: “Dedicated to helping small businesses and startups thrive, I combine cutting-edge marketing strategies with financial acumen to drive revenue growth and increase market share. My hands-on coaching style is tailored to your unique challenges, providing you with the tools and insights needed to navigate the competitive business landscape confidently.”
  • Strategic Mindset Coach: “Transforming potential into performance, I specialize in unlocking the strategic mindset of executives and entrepreneurs, helping them to think critically, make better decisions, and lead with confidence. With a focus on long-term success, my coaching empowers you to navigate complexity, embrace change, and achieve outstanding results.”
  • Holistic Success Coach: “I believe in a holistic approach to business coaching, integrating personal development with professional growth to create sustainable success. My expertise in mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and strategic planning helps clients achieve balance, boost productivity, and cultivate a positive work environment, paving the way for personal and professional fulfillment.”


5 Personal brand statement examples for entrepreneurs


Here are 5 personal brand statement examples for entrepreneurs:

  • Innovative Tech Visionary: “As a serial entrepreneur with a passion for technology and innovation, I transform ideas into successful startups, driving growth through strategic vision and relentless execution. My expertise in scaling tech ventures and building high-performance teams empowers us to disrupt industries and create lasting impact.”
  • Sustainable Business Leader: “Dedicated to building businesses that make a difference, I am an entrepreneur with a strong commitment to sustainability and social impact. My ventures are centered around creating eco-friendly solutions and promoting responsible practices, ensuring we contribute positively to our communities and the planet.”
  • Customer-Centric Product Innovator: “With a keen understanding of market needs and consumer behavior, I excel in developing products that resonate with customers and drive brand loyalty. My entrepreneurial journey is fueled by a passion for innovation, a commitment to excellence, and a relentless focus on customer satisfaction.”
  • Global Expansion Strategist: “As an entrepreneur with a proven track record in international business, I specialize in taking brands global, navigating cross-cultural challenges, and unlocking new market opportunities. My strategic approach and global network position us to thrive in diverse markets and drive international success.”
  • Resilient Startup Mentor: “Empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs, I share my journey, insights, and lessons learned to mentor startups and accelerate their growth. My resilience in the face of adversity and my commitment to continuous learning create a foundation for success, innovation, and lasting impact.”



Craft a personal branding statement that works


A good personal branding statement is one that captures attention.

A great personal branding statement is one that captures attention and leads to action. 

The only way to know if you have a good or a great personal branding statement is to test it and pay attention to how people react to it.

In person, you’ll be able to tell if people are connecting with your message by the reactions you get and the number of follow-up questions or conversations that are generated after you share your statement. 

In the digital world, you’ll be able to do the same by checking your data. Some of the signs it’s working are:

  • People are engaging with your content in the form of likes and comments
  • The number of people visiting your profiles is growing
  • Website traffic is growing each month
  • You are getting clients that come to you organically

If you don’t get the reactions (in person) or actions (digitally) that you desire, then you need to go back to the drawing board and keep tweaking until you learn how to write a personal branding statement.

Or you could also get help.

If you’d like personalized help writing a personal branding statement, please schedule a complimentary personal branding consulting session with us.

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