3 Powerful Tips On How to Get Coaching Clients Globally with a Blog

Alejandro Sanoja

Alejandro Sanoja has been named 1 of the 6 personal branding experts to follow in 2022. He is a TEDx and bilingual speaker, an award-winning MBA, and a guest lecturer at the C.T. Bauer College of Business.

You can 100% get coaching clients with a blog!

In 2021, my coaching business was confined within Houston’s borders, thriving on personal referrals. 

Fast forward to today, and it’s a different story – I’m connecting with clients worldwide.

This global expansion stemmed from one strategic shift: leveraging my blog to share thought leadership pieces.

In this article, I will share with you:

  • The power of freely sharing your knowledge to get coaching clients.
  • Effective strategies for choosing blog topics that not only engage readers but also convert them into clients.
  • The secret to creating blog content that continues to draw clients, long after it’s published.

The information in this article will be most valuable and relevant for coaches who:

  • Already have an established business with an ongoing flow of clients through referrals
  • Are likely making around six figures, and 
  • Are  looking for ways to scale their business without burning out


Give away your knowledge to get coaching clients


Let’s face it: relying solely on referrals is like building your house on sand. 

Sure, it’s flattering that your clients rave about you – it means you’re doing something right. 

But let’s not sugarcoat it – this approach is dangerously unpredictable. 

You’re at the mercy of word-of-mouth, leaving you with little control over your income. 

It’s time to take the reins and build a more stable foundation for your business.

The only way to scale a business is to have a repeatable process that allows you to say: 

When I do “X,” I generate “Y”  clients. 

It could be any of these:

  • When I speak at events and conferences, I generate “Y” clients
  • When I sell “X” books, I generate “Y” clients
  • When I run “X” ads on Facebook, I generate “Y” clients
  • When “X” people read my blogs, I generate “Y” clients

That way, when you need a certain amount of clients to meet a revenue goal, you know exactly what you need to do. 

I see too many talented coaches playing it safe, treating their passion as a side hustle.

Why? Because fear has them in a chokehold. 

They’re scared to dive fully into their coaching business, clinging to the ‘safety’ of a full-time job. 

But here’s the hard truth: If you’re not all in, you’re holding yourself back. It’s time to stop dabbling and start committing. 

Your dream deserves more than half-hearted attempts

And because they are basically working two jobs, all they can do is work “in” their business and not “on” their business. Which results in getting stuck and close to burned out. 

Remember why you started? For passion. For freedom. 

But here you are, feeling trapped and maybe even resenting the very thing you loved. It’s a harsh wake-up call, but necessary. 

If you’re in this rut, it’s because you’ve let it happen. 

The good news? You have the power to climb out. 

Stop wallowing in frustration and start taking strategic steps towards the business you envisioned.

I want you to think of your knowledge as seeds in a garden. 

By generously scattering these seeds through your blog, you’re cultivating a rich field where trust and authority grow. 

Just as a well-tended garden attracts a multitude of visitors, your freely shared insights will draw in a diverse and engaged audience.

By doing so, you expand the number of people that know how awesome you are as a coach. 

If you already are getting clients consistently through referrals, it means you are great at selling your services and delivering your services.

What you need is to promote your services. 

And they best way to do so, in a way that you do the work once but see results (almost) forever, is to share your ideas, insights, tools, and processes through your blog. 

To prove this point, I will share with you some of my “secret weapons” when we work with our clients to help them become the go-to experts in their niche. 


How to pick the blog topics that will get coaching clients quickly


You are likely reading this article because you searched for something related to “how to get coaching clients.” 

People are getting smarter about how they may purchasing decisions. Even for big purchases such as cars, people nowadays do the research online on their own. 

Selecting the right blog topics is like being a savvy fisherman. 

You need to know not only what fish you’re after but also what bait they find irresistible. 

Topics that align with a client’s decision-making moment are your lures, perfectly crafted to catch the attention of the right catch at the right time.

So, writing a blog about “Why a coach is the key to achieving career success?” will not help you attract new clients as quickly as writing a blog about “The Top 10 Best Career Coaches (+Pricing)” 

One way to identify the topics you should be writing about is to record your discovery calls and watch the recording while paying close attention to the questions your prospects ask. 

Once you see a pattern of similar questions that most of them ask, then you know that is something that you should write about because these are topics prospects what to learn about when they are close to making a buying decision. 

Some of our secret weapons, and the topics that we address first with clients, are:

  • Top [number] of [niche] coaches in [city]
  • How much does it cost to work with a [niche] coach
  • [Niche] coaching pricing
  • [niche] coaching vs. [niche] coaching
  • Is it worth it to work with a [niche] coach?
  • How do I find a good [niche] coach?

And how is it that these topics can help you get coaching clients quickly?

Because if you have a website with:

  • A personal branding statement that makes it easy for a visitor to understand your unique value proposition and 
  • Case studies that explain the results you typically help your clients achieve
  • Testimonials that show proof and help build trust

Then the topics that we’ve covered will help you shorten the time that it takes to transform website visitors into clients. 

Once they read the blogs packed with value and answers to their questions, they will likely get curious about you and will visit other areas of your website (ideally, you have sections explaining your services and CTAs to either get their contact information or get them to book a call with you).


How blogs can help you get coaching clients in perpetuity


At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that the get to creating a thriving coaching business is to be able to say:

When I do “X,” I get “Y” clients.

The reason I prefer to build a content engine for growth is because it is one of the few processes that allow you do to the work once and see results for many years after that initial effort. 

In the case of ads, the moment you stop paying for ads, the flow of clients stops as well. Same with speaking at events, you have to keep preparing and traveling. 

Blogs are different.

Imagine your blog as a vineyard. 

Each post is a vine, and while it takes time and care to grow, once it starts bearing fruit, it can do so for years. 

Even as seasons change, your vines (blogs) continue to provide a harvest (clients), sustained with just a bit of pruning and care (updates).

Some of the blogs that generate the majority of our traffic and leads are blogs that were written 2 years ago and have had minor updates. 

The difference between these growth methods is the timeline. 

With ads, if you know how to set up campaigns properly, you can see results in a matter of days or weeks. 

With content, it will likely take weeks or months because the drip turns into a consistent flow of clients. 

Content marketing for coaches is a long-term game. 

But if you want a thriving coaching business that stands the test of time, there is no better way to get there than by building your personal brand based on thought leadership through blogs. 

Are you poised to be the next go-to expert in your niche? Don’t let hesitation hold you back. 

Take the decisive step now: Book a Strategy Call with me. 

In just one session, we’ll map out your path to becoming an industry leader. Your journey to success is just a click away.

Still on the fence? No worries. 

Dive deeper into how we transform ordinary blogs into powerful thought leadership tools. 

Discover our range of services tailored to elevate your coaching business. Check our case studies and see how you can revolutionize your approach to gaining clients.


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