The Ultimate Personal Branding Pricing Guide

Alejandro Sanoja

Alejandro Sanoja has been named 1 of the 6 personal branding experts to follow in 2022. He is a TEDx and bilingual speaker, an award-winning MBA, and a guest lecturer at the C.T. Bauer College of Business.

The range of personal branding pricing is wide.

This pricing guide is for consultants, coaches, and business owners who want to attract opportunities by confidently communicating their value and expertise. 

This guide is for you if you are facing some of these challenges:

  • You struggle to differentiate yourself
  • You are afraid to put yourself out there
  • You are not getting the recognition you know you deserve
  • You are feeling burned out because every solution to getting unstuck means working more hours

If you are in this situation, you can expect to invest between $3,296 and $72,000 in your personal brand. 

Now, there are many ways to invest in your personal brand. We focus on content, but we don’t want to be biased.

In this personal branding pricing guide, we will share all the available options before making our recommendations.


BONUS: Take a look at the type of results you can expect when you invest in your personal brand.




Is personal branding worth it?


I’ve had to build several consulting businesses from scratch—two of those as an immigrant without a vast network. 

And I got them from $0 to more than $100,000 in yearly revenues in less than two years. 

In both of those cases, I hit a ceiling because all the sales and marketing depended on me. And also, the delivery of the services depended on me. 

At that point, I decided to invest in my personal brand. Now I work less and have an almost unlimited potential to grow.

Before, I was limited by how many hours I could work daily. Now, I could be sleeping or spending time with my daughter, and the content that I have created for my personal brand is helping me attract, educate, and convert readers into clients. 

At this moment, you and I are having a conversation about personal branding pricing without me being present. In fact, I’m likely having this conversation with several people at the same time (how rude of me) because of the number of readers this pricing guide gets on a daily basis.

That is the power of creating valuable content.

Content doesn’t sleep. Content doesn’t get tired. 

I have been able to book calls and work with business owners around the world because of investing in a personal brand. All without leaving Houston. 

I might be biased, but a personal brand can change your life and the way you do business. I believe that your business should support your lifestyle instead of having to build your lifestyle around your business. 

This is the type of return on investment you can expect when you invest in a personal brand.

It works for me, for our clients, and it will work for you.


How much does it cost to brand yourself?


On average, to brand yourself as a consultant, coach, or small business owner, you can expect to pay between $2,000 to $50,000 for personal branding services. 

The must-needs to be able to grow your business on autopilot by leveraging your personal brand are:

  • A decent website
  • Baseline branding guide 
  • Good quality headshots
  • Content creation

That’s it.

That’s all you need to start attracting, educating, and converting website visitors into paying clients. 

Of course, there’s more you can invest in.

You create video ads and run those on social media. You could engage a PR agency to get you featured in top publications. And there are many other options that people consider when building their personal brand. 

Yet, for the results that we want to help you achieve, we’d recommend focusing on those 4 points we mentioned. 

Let’s go into each of those. 


How much does it cost to have a website?


Website pricing has a wide range as well.

It starts at $6 per month if you use a website builder and goes up to more than $10,000 if you hire a website designer. 

Remember that a website is an asset you get to keep. A crappy website will give you so much trouble that it will likely cost you more for the missed opportunities. 

For example, if it’s not built correctly and has slow speed, it will be harder to get the content on that website to rank on Google. Also, your visitors will get frustrated and leave, so you might lose potential clients because of a cheap website.

I will not go into detail about the cost of a website because Lucy Carney has done a fantastic job breaking down all the components of website cost in a blog for Website Builder Expert.

Check their full breakdown if you are thinking about investing in a website. 


How much does it cost to have a branding guide?


A branding guide can be as simple as your logo, color palette, and typography.

Or can also include your brand purpose, brand voice, and many other components. 

For the brand identity guide, you can expect to pay between $299 to $5,000. 

For a logo, you can expect to pay $299 to $10,000. 

For workshops to discover your brand purpose and voice, you can expect to pay between $1,000 to $5,000. 

In all of these cases, as with everything else in life, you get what you pay for. 

On the low end, you can go with a company like 99designs and get a simple logo and branding guide for around $299.

If you want something more personalized, you’ll have to invest more. 

In the case of workshops to clarify your brand, you have options starting at $997 and can go all the way up to $10,000 for complete branding packages.


How much does it cost to get professional headshots?


You can expect to pay between $300 to $10,000 for a professional photoshoot.

A company like snappr offers shoots for as low as $100 in some cases.

Even though we do not offer photography services, we have extensively about the value of good quality photos and feature some of the best personal branding photographers because we understand the value that a first impression can make, which often happens in the digital world. 

It is critical to have some high-quality professional photography for when you get invited to speak at events, at podcasts, or for the content that you are going to share on social media and your website.


How much does it cost to create content for your personal brand?


Here’s where it can get complicated, so it’s essential to have clarity about the goals you want to achieve. 

We’ve had to opportunity to chat with a wide range of personal branding consultants and strategists on our podcast. And they all focus on different areas. 

Investing in content creation can mean ghostwriting for your LinkedIn content.

It can also mean getting a coach to guide you through the fundamental changes you must make to have a professional LinkedIn profile. Or beefing up your executive branding when you find yourself on the wrong side of the door and want to be found.

It’s important to begin with the end in mind. Define a goal, then invest in the content creation process to help you get there. 

For other types of content creation, like blogs, there are many options out there as well.

You can expect to pay between $57 to $5,000 for a blog. 

Why is the range so wide for something so simple as a blog? 

You guessed it. Because you get what you pay for and there will be a big quality gap between a $57 blog and a $5,000 blog. 

Most often, the more you pay, the better the results you can expect. Usually, the lower end is basic content that will not do much for you. As you move up, you can expect to get results such as attracting or converting leads. 

A $5,000 blog is likely written by a copywriting professional that will help you turn readers into clients. 

And the range is the same for social media content creation. These include your graphics, carousel posts, and anything that involves a designer.

The range can go as low as $199 monthly for eight posts. Or as high as $2,000 for those same eight posts. 

The same happens here. For $199, you will likely get content that keeps you active on social media but will not necessarily generate any results other than a few likes. And there is nothing wrong with that, there is value in keeping a profile active to let people know you are still in business. 

Yet, don’t expect to get a ton of clients from a $57 blog post or a $199 social media post.


Personal Branding Pricing Summary

Element Low Range High Range
Website $72 $10,000+
Brand Identity Guide $299 $5,000+
Logo $299 $10,000+
Branding Workshops $1,000 $5,000+
Photography $300 $10,000+
Blog Ghostwriting $57 $5,000+
Social Media Posts $199 $3,000+
Video Content $1,200 $20,000+
LinkedIn Ghostwriting $500 $4,000+
Total Investment $3,296 $72,000+


Keep in mind that some of the elements on the personal brand pricing table must happen on a monthly basis.


The process of building a personal brand


A wise Roman Stoic Philosopher, Gaius Musonius Rufus, once said that “If you accomplish something good with hard work, the labor passes quickly, but the good endures. If you do something shameful in pursuit of pleasure, the pleasure passes quickly, but the shame endures.”

Building a personal brand is hard work.

It will take time to do so unless you do something shameful to cut corners. 

A price that most leaders don’t consider is the investment in time that is required in the different phases of the process. 

If you decide to do it on your own or go with low-end providers, it will likely take you longer to achieve your desired results.

You can get there faster if you work with professionals who have done it before.


How personal branding turns into thought leadership


If you are not sure you should make an investment in your personal brand, consider the following:

In the most extreme cases, a personal brand can help you overcome challenges without even facing these.

How valuable would it be if your competitors would decide to not sell a product or a service just to avoid competing with you? 

Such was the case of Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, and statesman who commanded Carthage’s main forces against the Roman Republic during the Second Punic War.

Hannibal is widely considered one of the greatest military commanders in world history.

He won some battles without even fighting, just because the Romans were so frightened that they did as much as possible to avoid him. 

He indeed had to get some key victories, such as the battle of Cannae, which is remembered as the most devastating and humiliating defeat that Rome suffered. But after that, he could leverage his reputation to “win battles” with low to no effort.

Luckily, nowadays, you don’t need to be involved in a war to grow your influence and reputation.

Yet, building a personal brand is still an investment you’ll be able to leverage for the rest of your life as Hannibal did and is still doing, as his name is still being mentioned centuries after his death. 

Another vital element to consider is the price of NOT building a personal brand.

We live in an age where some individuals have gathered more influence in months than media corporations have done in decades. Nowadays, the average consumer checks websites, reviews, and social media channels before purchasing. 

Are you willing to risk being unable to control the message and image floating around about you as a professional? 

Professionals with powerful personal brands can enter any situation with more leverage than those who don’t.


BONUS: Try before you buy. Take the first step in your personal branding journey by downloading our FREE personal branding statement.


What is the range of our personal branding pricing?


The price of our personal branding services starts at $750 for a one-time payment.

On the upper range, we’ve had clients who have worked with us for the past four years and have invested more than $160,000 in their branding and content creation efforts. 

We work with consultants, coaches, and business owners who want to grow their businesses on autopilot. 

This means implementing a content strategy that helps you attract, educate, and convert website visitors into clients.

Our services will allow you to get a consistent flow of new potential clients and growth opportunities while you work less. 

Our strategy combines the StoryBrand and the They Ask, You Answer methodologies.

We recommend reading those books to get an idea of the type of business growth you can expect when applying those strategies. 

You can learn about our services and pricing by visiting our dedicated pages for those topics. 

Whenever you are ready, you can book a call to talk with a personal branding consultant to create a customized personal branding package that blends proven strategy with tactical execution and guarantees results. 

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